全国: nationwide; countrywide; the ...咖啡: coffee; café种植: plant; grow; raise; cultivat ...协会: association; society; instit ...咖啡种植者协会: fnc全国咖啡种植者联合会: national federation of coffee growers全国小麦种植者协会: national association of wheat growers全国玉米种植者协会: national corn growers association全国咖啡协会: national coffee association全埂麦种植者协会: national association of wheat growers橡胶种植者协会: rga; rubber growers' association烟草种植者协会: itga咖啡种植园: coffee plantation菲律宾烟草种植者协会: philippine association of tobacco growers国际烟草种植者协会: international tobacco growers association摩洛哥柑桔种植者协会: moroccan citrus fruit growers' association全岛香蕉种植者协会: all island banana growers' association坦噶尼喀荼叶种植者协会: tanganyika tea growers association咖啡种植产品: coffee plantation products咖啡种植园工人: o lavrador de cafe菲律宾联合椰子种植者协会: united coconut producers association of the philippines全国咖啡基金会: fund of national cafe种植者: cropper; grower; planter; raiser古巴东南第一座咖啡种植园考古风景区: archaeological landscape of the first coffee plantations in the south-east of cuba可可咖啡种植更新和发展公司: renovation et le developpement de la cacaoyere et de la cafeiere societe pour la; renovation et le developpement de la cacaoyere et de la cafeiere, societe pour la; srcc