

发音:   用"名义gdp"造句
  • nominal gdp
  • 名义:    name
  • gdp:    GDP = gross domestic product ...
  • gdp:    GDP = gross domestic product 国内生产总值。
  • 名义:    1.(名称或称号) name 盗用 ... 的名义 usurp the name of ...; 假借 ...的名义 on the false pretenses of ...; 以自己的名义 in one's own name; 以中国代表团的名义 in the name of the chinese delegation; 那本词典以朗曼公司的名义出版。 that dictionary is published under the longman imprint.2.(表面上) nominal; titular; in name 名义上裁军, 实际上扩军 disarmament in name, armament in reality; 名义被告 nominal defendant; 名义博士 nominal doctor; 名义存款 nominal deposit; 名义代理 ostensible agency; 名义代理权 ostensible authority; 名义当事人 nominal party; 名义负债 nominal liability; 名义工资 nominal wage; 名义关税 nominal customs duties; 名义国民收入 nominal income; 名义合伙人 nominal partner; 名义合同价格 nominal contract price; 名义汇价[率] nominal rate; 名义货币 token money; 名义价格 nominal price; 名义利率 nominal interest rate; nominal profit; 名义牌价 nominal quotation; 名义赔偿 nominal damages; 名义票面价格 nominal par; 名义收益 nominal yield; 名义托运人 nominal shipper; 名义原告 nominal plaintiff; 名义帐户(虚帐) nominal accounts; 名义主权 nominal sovereignty; 名义资本 nominal capital; 名义租金 nominal rental
  • actual gdp:    实际gdp


  1. In the long term , rates should be roughly equal to nominal gdp growth , but in america and elsewhere they are still well below it
  2. New special economic zones including tianjin , chengdu and chongqing will likely see acceleration in their nominal gdp growth to 17 - 20 % p . a . in the next three years on extremely favorable land policy and massive capital inflows from abroad and other parts of the country
    未来三年里,受极为有利的土地政策和来自国外和国内其他地区的大量的资金流入的支持,包括天津、成都和重庆在内地新的经济特区的名义gdp增长率可能将加速到17 % 20 % 。
  3. On the base of analyzing securities inner value , price of securities is compared with inner value by p / e and capital / dividend . market efficiency is analyzed by emh as well as the relation between price tendency of securities and that of macro - economy by the ratio of growth rate of stock ' s total value to that of nominal gdp
  4. The positivist study conducted in this paper shows that , during 1971 through 2003 , the exchange rate of the yen notably affected the overall domestic wholesale prices while striking various industries in a different way ; much affected by the prices of america ' s export and petroleum , the wholesale prices of japan is also heavily affected by japan ' s supply of currency , while the nominal gdp of japan has little affected japan ' s wholesale prices
    实证分析结果表明, 1971 ~ 2003年,日元汇率对总体国内批发物价的影响显著,但对各行业批发物价的影响不同;美国出口价格、石油价格对日本国内批发物价的影响显著;日本的货币供应是影响日本批发物价的重要因素,但日本名义gdp对日本批发物价的影响不明显。


        名义:    name
        gdp:    GDP = gross domestic product ...
        gdp:    GDP = gross domestic product 国内生产总值。
        名义:    1.(名称或称号) name 盗用 ... 的名义 usurp the name of ...; 假借 ...的名义 on the false pretenses of ...; 以自己的名义 in one's own name; 以中国代表团的名义 in the name of the chinese delegation; 那本词典以朗曼公司的名义出版。 that dictionary is published under the longman imprint.2.(表面上) nominal; titular; in name 名义上裁军, 实际上扩军 disarmament in name, armament in reality; 名义被告 nominal defendant; 名义博士 nominal doctor; 名义存款 nominal deposit; 名义代理 ostensible agency; 名义代理权 ostensible authority; 名义当事人 nominal party; 名义负债 nominal liability; 名义工资 nominal wage; 名义关税 nominal customs duties; 名义国民收入 nominal income; 名义合伙人 nominal partner; 名义合同价格 nominal contract price; 名义汇价[率] nominal rate; 名义货币 token money; 名义价格 nominal price; 名义利率 nominal interest rate; nominal profit; 名义牌价 nominal quotation; 名义赔偿 nominal damages; 名义票面价格 nominal par; 名义收益 nominal yield; 名义托运人 nominal shipper; 名义原告 nominal plaintiff; 名义帐户(虚帐) nominal accounts; 名义主权 nominal sovereignty; 名义资本 nominal capital; 名义租金 nominal rental
        actual gdp:    实际gdp
        agricultural gdp:    国内农业生产总值
        deflators gdp:    国内生产总值减缩指数
        gddeflator gdp:    紧缩指数; 平减数
        gdp deflator:    gdp平减指数; 平均物价指数; 消除国内生产总值通货膨胀因素指数( gdp 平减指数)
        gdp mannose:    鸟苷二磷酸甘露糖
        gdp-32ii:    电法仪
        gdp-fuc:    gdp-fucose 鸟苷二磷酸岩藻糖
        gdp-fucose:    鸟苷二磷酸岩藻糖
        gdp-fue:    鸟苷二磷酸岩藻糖
        gdp-mannose:    鸟苷二磷酸甘露糖
        nominal gdp:    名义gdp; 名义国内生产总值
        real gdp:    实际
        人均gdp:    gdp per capita; gross domestic product
        实际gdp:    actual gdp
        gddissociation inhibitor gdp:    解离抑制因子
        gddissociation stimulator gdp:    解离刺激因子
        gdp dissociation inhibitor:    gdp解离抑制因子
        gdp dissociation stimulator:    gdp解离刺激因子
        gdp growth rate:    国内生产总值增长率
        gdp mannoside pyrophosphorylase:    gdp甘露糖苷焦磷酸化酶


  1. "名医与红伶"英文
  2. "名艺水族"英文
  3. "名艺水族馆"英文
  4. "名义"英文
  5. "名义g"英文
  6. "名义(美圆)价"英文
  7. "名义保护系数"英文
  8. "名义报价"英文
  9. "名义被告"英文
  10. "名义本金"英文


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