Among industrial countries, agriculture accounts for a little more than 3 percent of gdp and approximately 14 percent of exports . 在工业国,农业占国内生产总值的3强,占出口的大约14。
Gdp average annual growth rate 1997 - 2016 1997 2016年平均本地生产总值年增长率
The gdp growth rate was about 8 percent every year 每年的gdp的增长值达到8 。
Research sumary of on economic accoumting system of green gdp 核算体系的框架分析
6 . gdp leapt by 6 . 8 per cent in 2006 6 .二六年,本地生产总值增长百分之六点八。
gdpとは意味:GDP 国民総生産 こくみんそうせいさん gdp meaning: Noun: GDP The measure of an economy adopted by the United States in 1991; the total market values of goods and services produced by workers and capital within a nation's borders during a given ...gdp artinya:pdbgdp 뜻:phrase, gross domestic productgdp перевод:вал.нац.продукт GDP сокр. от gross domestic product GDP: ~ at constant prices валовой внутренний продукт в неизменных ценах GDP: ~ at constant prices валовой внутренний продукт в неизменных ценах ~ at...