

[ gèbènqiánchéng ] 发音:   "各奔前程"的汉语解释   用"各奔前程"造句
  • each pursues his onward journey.; each goes his own way.; each pursues his own course.; everyone is anxious to get ahead


  1. The liangs lived on the east coast of the united states but later moved near san francisco
  2. Oliver : what does that have to do with going our separate ways ? we ' re together now , aren ' t we ? we ' re happy
  3. A cumbersome twin - headed structure that gave eads german and french co - chairmen and co - chief executives has been complicated by the desire of airbus bosses in toulouse to go their own way
  4. If fortune drive the master forth an outcast in the world , freindless and homeless , the faith dog asks no highter pribilege than that of accompanying him to guard against danger , to fight against his enemy ; and when the last senne of all comes , and death takes the master in its embrace and his body is laid away , there by his graveside will the noble dog be found , his head between his paws , his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness , faithful and true , even to death


        前程:    1.(前途) future; prospect 锦锈前程 a bright future; a rosy future; 有美好的前程 have good prospects2.[旧时用语] (功名职位) career
        各奔东西:    drift apart; pawo
        赵前程:    qian-cheng zhao
        全速奔前接球:    all-out charge
        林中叉路各奔一方:    two roads diverged in a yellow wood
        断送前程:    forfeit [ruin] one's career
        锦锈前程:    a rosy future
        锦绣前程:    bright prospect; glorious future
        前程更宽广:    from farm to factory for a better future
        前程规划:    career planning
        前程锦绣:    twins; unplugged. a bright forture
        前程似锦:    have an infinitely bright future; have a bright future; one's future as beautiful as brocade; splendid prospects
        前程虽远大:    better an empty purse than an empty head
        前程万里:    his future career will be great.; have a brilliant prospects; have the ball at one's foot
        前程无忧:    jobs-us; visawang
        前程远大:    have the world before sb.; have a fine future; have brilliant prospects; have excellent prospects
        远大前程:    great expectations
        职业前程:    career propects; career prospects
        装置前程序:    preset sequence
        自毁前程:    destroy one's own career
        前程;盼望的事物:    prospect n. reasonable hope; sth. which is expected
        有美好的前程:    have good prospects career
        职业前程辅导:    career counseling
        各别:    1.(各不相同; 有分别) distinct; separate; different 各别对待 treat differently; treat each on its [his, etc.] own merits2.[方言] (别致; 新奇) peculiar; out of the ordinary 式样很各别。 the form is rather peculiar.3.(特别) odd: eccentric; funny 他的脾气有点各别。 his temperament is a bit odd
        各别产业:    separate estate
        各报在显著位置上登载了这条消息:    the newspapers gave prominent coverage to the news


        各奔前程的法语:suivre chacun son chemin;chacun suit son propre chemin vers l'avenir./chacun embrasse sa carrière
        各奔前程的韩语:【성어】 각기 제 갈길을 가다. 각기 자기의 목표를 향해 노력하다; 각자가 제멋대로 행동하다.
        各奔前程的俄语:pinyin:gèbènqiánchéng каждый идёт своим путём; каждый стремится к собственной цели
        各奔前程什么意思:gè bèn qián chéng 【解释】各走各的路。比喻各人按不同的志向,寻找自己的前途。 【示例】三爷,年月不对了,我们应当~!(老舍《四世同堂》三十四) 【拼音码】gbqc 【灯谜面】将军不下马;打开笼子放了雀竞赛不能抢跑道 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语;用于人 【英文】each goes his own way


  1. "各邦的国费分担额"英文
  2. "各报不约而同地颂扬"英文
  3. "各报均以显著的位置刊载了这条消息"英文
  4. "各报在显著位置上登载了这条消息"英文
  5. "各奔东西"英文
  6. "各别"英文
  7. "各别产业"英文
  8. "各别产业的帐目"英文
  9. "各别持有"英文
  10. "各别的"英文


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