

发音:   "吃得上"的汉语解释   用"吃得上"造句
  • 1.(吃得起) can afford to eat
    2.(赶上吃饭) be in time for a meal; be able to get meal 短语和例子
  • 十二点半以前赶回去还吃得上饭:    if we get back before twelve thirty we won't be too late for lunch
  • 吃得饱:    no.well fed well bred; well fed,well bred
  • 吃得多:    eat like a horse; feed high; outeat
  • 吃得好:    feed high; feed well; live like fighting cocks; well-fed
  • 吃得开:    be popular; get along all right; be much sought after 海伦长得那么漂亮, 又那么吃得开 , 所有的男孩子都听她的使唤。 helen is so pretty and popular that all the boys eat out of her hands


  1. If we get back before twelve thirty , we won't be too late for lunch .
  2. Would the rest of the students really be willing to sit for that long waiting to eat


        十二点半以前赶回去还吃得上饭:    if we get back before twelve thirty we won't be too late for lunch
        吃得饱:    no.well fed well bred; well fed,well bred
        吃得多:    eat like a horse; feed high; outeat
        吃得好:    feed high; feed well; live like fighting cocks; well-fed
        吃得开:    be popular; get along all right; be much sought after 海伦长得那么漂亮, 又那么吃得开 , 所有的男孩子都听她的使唤。 helen is so pretty and popular that all the boys eat out of her hands
        吃得来:    be able to eat; not mind eating 辣椒我吃得来, 但不特别喜欢。 i can eat red pepper, though i'm not overfond of it
        吃得下:    be able to eat 还有一点, 你吃得下吗? there's still a bit left. can you eat some more? 她已经好多了, 饭也吃得下了。 she's much better; she's got an appetite now
        吃得消:    be able to stand (exertion, fatigue, etc.) 再干一个夜班, 我也完全吃得消。 i can easily stand working another night shift
        吃得住:    be able to bear or support 再重的卡车, 这座桥也能吃得住。 this bridge can bear the weight of the heaviest lorry
        我吃得:    i am so full that i would burst with another bite
        比得上:    bear comparison with; comparable to; match; parallel
        跟得上:    keep up with
        够得上:    measure up to
        及得上:    come uto
        配得上:    deserve 配得上的人 match
        用得上:    come in handy
        值得,够得上,配得上:    be worthy of (=be deserving of)
        吃得太多;吃得太饱:    overeat
        吃得多的:    greedy
        吃得过胞:    stuff oneself
        吃得过饱:    be fed up; glut; gorge oneself; overeat
        吃得过多:    eat one's head off; overeating; overfeeding
        吃得很多:    eat like a horse
        吃得很好:    wellfed
        吃得太饱:    overeat
        吃得起处方用药:    afford prescription drugs


        吃得上的日语:(?吃不上)食にありつける.食事に間に合う. 十二点半以前赶回去gǎnhuíqu还吃得上/12時半までに急いで帰ればまだ食事に間に合う.
        吃得上的韩语:(1)(충분히 여유가 있어) 먹을 수 있다. 咱们家战争后吃糠咽菜, 现在也吃得上大米白面了; 우리 집은 전쟁 후에 겨와 나물로 연명(延命)하였으나 이제는 쌀밥이나 분식도 먹을 수 있게 되었다 (2)(시간을 제대로 지키거나 혹은 주어진 조건에 의하여) 먹을 수 있다. 十二点半以前赶回去还吃得上饭; 12시 반 이전에만 돌아가면 밥을 먹을 수 있을 것이다


        拼音:chī děi shàng
        注音:ㄔㄧ ㄉㄟˇ ㄕㄤˋ


        • 吃得上 chīdeshàng
        • (1) [can afford to eat]∶能付得起钱吃某食物

        • ...


  1. "吃得苦中苦,方为人上人"英文
  2. "吃得苦中苦,方知甜中甜"英文
  3. "吃得苦中苦方知甜中甜"英文
  4. "吃得来"英文
  5. "吃得起处方用药"英文
  6. "吃得太饱"英文
  7. "吃得太多;吃得太饱"英文
  8. "吃得太少"英文
  9. "吃得下"英文
  10. "吃得下,容忍"英文


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