右: the right side; the right肩: shoulder前: front肩右前 右肩前: rightscapuloanterior右肩前位: scda右肩: right shoulder肩前条: antehumeral stripe肩前痛: anterior pain of shoulder肩前位: scapuloanterior滩肩前: foreberm左肩前: left scapuloanterior; leftscapuloanteriorlsca; scapulolaeva anterior右肩后: scapulo-dextra posterior右肩胛: l-shoulderblade右肩峰后位,右肩后位: right acromion posterior position并肩前进: march on side by side并肩前行: sideways; to take a ride beside me两肩前平: square the shoulders to the front左肩前位: lsca; scapulolaeva anterior; scla右肩后位: right scapuloposterior; scapulodextra posterior; scdp右肩纹身: right shoulder右肩胛下缘: right lower scapular border右肩胛缘: right scapular borderscapulo-anterior]左肩前位: lsca肩前的延长线: line directly over the shoulder猪的肩前腿肉: butt