He shifted the load from his left to his right shoulder . 他把担子从左肩换到右肩。
She was bending forward, a look of infinite tenderness upon her features, watching something beneath her, and with her chestnut locks falling on to her right shoulder . 她正弯着腰无限深情地看着下面的什么,棕色的卷发披散在右肩上。
He shifted the load from his left to his right shoulder 他把重物从左肩换到右肩
Over your ieft shoulder . rankin fitch , 2 : 00 你的右肩后面, rankin fitch ,两点钟方向。
Q . i found that you have a big scar on your shoulder 提问:你的右肩上好象有一道疤痕。
右: the right side; the right肩: shoulder右肩后: scapulo-dextra posterior右肩前: right scapuloanterior; scapulo-dextra anterior右肩胛: l-shoulderblade右肩峰后位,右肩后位: right acromion posterior position肩右前 右肩前: rightscapuloanterior右肩后位: right scapuloposterior; scapulodextra posterior; scdp右肩前位: scda右肩纹身: right shoulder右肩胛下缘: right lower scapular border右肩胛缘: right scapular border右肩后位 肩右后: rightscapuloposterior右肩肌肉炎症: inflammation of rotator cuff of right shoulder右肩肌腱拉伤: tendonitis in right shoulder把枪从右肩移到左肩: shift a rifle from the right to the left shoulder从左肩端至右肩端的部位: across back shoulder右肩峰前位,肩峰右前位: right acromion anterior position右手勒住对方右肩的摔法: heave右甲状腺素钠: dextrothyroxine sodium右甲状腺素: dexadrine; dextrothyroxine右甲吗喃: dextro methorphan; dextromethorphan右甲吗南中毒: dextromethorphan poisoning右甲吗南: dextromethorphan; dromethan