古: antiquity; ancientry脊椎动物: vertebrate与: take part in; participate in古人: the ancients; our forefather ...研究所: research institute古脊椎动物与古人类: ivpp古脊椎动物学: vertebrate paleontology; vertebrate paleozoology古脊椎动物学报: vertebrata palasiatica古脊椎动物学会: society of vertebrate paleontology北美古脊椎动物学协会: society of vertebrate palaeontology of north america阿斯彭人类研究所: aspen institute for humanistic studies脊椎动物,脊椎动物的: vertebrate人类研究: human study麻类研究所: institute of bast fibers脊椎动物: vertebrate 中国陆栖脊椎动物种类居世界第一位, 有1,800种, 约占世界同类动物总数的十分之一。 china has the world's largest number of terrestial vertebrates, with a total of 1,800 species, which accounts for approximately one-tenth of the same species of vertebrates in the world脊椎动物的: craniata; vertebrate脊椎动物门: chordata; craniatavertebrata; craniota; vertebrate脊椎动物学: vertebrate zoology无脊椎动物: invertabrate; invertebrates; wirbellose tier高级脊椎动物: the higher vertebrates 海洋脊椎动物: marine vertebrate脊椎动物病毒: vertebrate virus脊椎动物区系: vertebrate fauna脊椎动物生胶: collagens vertebrate; collagens, vertebrate脊椎动物宿主: vertebrate host