Though primarily tropical , hong kong is also affected by the seasonal fluctuations of warm , cold water and monsoon weather conditions , therefore , there is an admixture of tropical and temperate forms like corals , sea grasses , fishes and dolphins 其中包括海洋哺乳动物如中华白海豚、江豚,海洋脊椎动物包括珊瑚鱼,海洋无脊椎动物包括石珊瑚及软珊瑚、裸腮(海蛞蝓) 、海星、马蹄蟹等等。
海洋: seas and oceans; ocean; blue脊椎动物: vertebrate海洋无脊椎动物: marine invertebrates; oceanic invertebrate海洋无脊椎动物学: marine invertebrate zoology脊椎动物,脊椎动物的: vertebrate脊椎动物: vertebrate 中国陆栖脊椎动物种类居世界第一位, 有1,800种, 约占世界同类动物总数的十分之一。 china has the world's largest number of terrestial vertebrates, with a total of 1,800 species, which accounts for approximately one-tenth of the same species of vertebrates in the world脊椎动物的: craniata; vertebrate脊椎动物门: chordata; craniatavertebrata; craniota; vertebrate脊椎动物学: vertebrate zoology无脊椎动物: invertabrate; invertebrates; wirbellose tier高级脊椎动物: the higher vertebrates 古脊椎动物学: vertebrate paleontology; vertebrate paleozoology脊椎动物病毒: vertebrate virus脊椎动物区系: vertebrate fauna脊椎动物生胶: collagens vertebrate; collagens, vertebrate脊椎动物宿主: vertebrate host脊椎动物亚门: vertebrata; vertebrate节肢-脊椎动物环: arthropod-vertebrate cycle杀脊椎动物剂: vertebrate poison无脊椎动物簿: invertebrate virus; virus of invertebrate无脊椎动物的: invertebrate无脊椎动物类: invertebrata无脊椎动物学: invertebrate zoology硬骨脊椎动物: euteleostomi鱼状脊椎动物: ichthyoid