Bufurcation and chaos in a parallel plate - type structure under flowing pressure 流动压力作用下板状叠层结构的分岔与混沌
Components for electronic equipments . magnetic cores and accessories . accessories for laminations 电子设备元件.磁芯和附件.叠层结构附件
Laminated core packages for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment . part 2 : electrical characteristics for cores using yee 2 laminations 通信和电子设备用层压磁芯包.第2部分:使用yee 2叠层结构的磁芯电气特性
Emc / emi simulation of special microwave connection and package structure in mcm - l is taken to sum up some effective emi methods to guide layout design . 3 . the system characteristics and link index are analyzed to point out key modules in circuit realization 设计了微波叠层结构,并对叠层结构中出现的互耦、互连、不连续性及封装结构进行电磁仿真,提出抑制电磁干扰的措施。
Bipolar battery has the following advantages : compact structure , high energy density and high power density . it can better meet the requirement of hybrid electric vehicles . in this thesis , we focus on the problems that appear during battery design and manufacture 双极性mh / ni电池是一种具有叠层结构的新型电池,这种电池内部没有专用连接体,具有结构紧凑、比能量高、比功率高等优点,因而更适合于混合动力车的使用。