Finally , we analyze the business flows of bank - taxation system . we create the user interface configuration files and the business logic files by the reconstructable three - tier application system 最后,以银行-税务一体化系统为例,分析了业务流程,应用可重构三层结构系统创建了用户界面配詈文件和业务逻辑配置文件。
Third , the ferroelectric bilayer with a thick interface may be taken as a ferroelectric sandwich structure , and the interface will play a nontrivial role on the pyroelectric properties of the ferroelectric multilayer ( 3 )界面对铁电多层结构系统的热电性质影响很大,具有一定厚度的界面的铁电双层结构可以看成是一个铁电三明治结构。
In chapter three , taking the development and implementation of sale information system of qingshan paper mill as an example , the development and the implementation of sale information system of erp are introduced . meanwhile , the system is analyzed and its lower functional mode is established . the concept and technology of multi - layer architecture is introduced , and the distributed multi - layer architecture of sale information system is analyzed in details 第三章:以青山纸业销售管理信息系统为例,说明流程工业erp中销售管理信息系统的开发和实施,介绍软件工程一般采用的开发方法,从业务数据流和功能模块对系统进行分析,介绍三层体系结构的概念、特点及应用技术,并对所采用分布式多层结构系统模型作详细的分析说明。