

发音:   用"双链rna"造句
  • double strand ran
  • double strand rna
  • double-stranded rna
  • dsrna
  • 双链:    double strand
  • rna:    RNA =ribonucleic acid 【生物化学】 ...
  • rna]双链rna:    dsrna
  • 双链rna病毒:    double-stranded rna virus; group iii: dsrna viruses; rna virus
  • 双链rna簿:    double-stranded rna virus


  1. Group iii : dsrna viruses
  2. Rnai ( rna interference ) is a process by which double - stranded rna ( dsrna ) specifically suppresses the expression of a target mrna . since fire et . al
    Rnai ( rnainterference )是双链rna介导的、序列特异的同源基因转录后的沉默效应。
  3. Rnase p from e . coli is a ribonucleoprotein complex responsible for the 5 " maturation of trnas . the smallest substrate contains two important parts : ncca - 3 " terminal and rna helix area
    Rnasep是结构识别酶, m1rna底物至少包括两个要件: 1游离ncca - 3末端; 2特异互补的双链rna区域。
  4. Dsmv is proved as the predominating virus - pathogen on aroid plants from zhejiang province and other regions in china . cdna of dsmv rna 3 " end partial sequence and subgenomic rna promoter region of cucumber mosaic virus ( cmv ) rna3 were used as probes for detection of dsmv and cmv respectively . total rna extracted from field samples were used for rna dot - hybridization
    用侵染马蹄莲的dsmv3末端序列和黄瓜花叶病毒( cmv )的亚基因组启动子区互补dna序列为标记探针,对自然感病的天南星科植物进行rna斑点杂交,并结合双链rna分析、病毒提纯和形态学观察,对杭州等地16属天南星科植物的81个样品进行了病毒鉴定。



  1. "双链dna病毒"英文
  2. "双链dna簿"英文
  3. "双链dna循环测序"英文
  4. "双链dna循环测序法"英文
  5. "双链dna循环测序体系"英文
  6. "双链rna病毒"英文
  7. "双链rna簿"英文
  8. "双链rna依赖性蛋白激酶"英文
  9. "双链拔丝机"英文
  10. "双链表"英文


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