Why the country is increasing the to examinee demand in restricting all sorts of attestation to take an exam stage by stage , be like : some textual research " blame full - time student " must not enter oneself for an examination 现在认证考试也是卖方市场,参加的人多了,人家自然就提出的要求高了,规定权在人家手里,谁能怎么着
参加: join; attend; take part in; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...多: many; much; more以为特征的人,参加的人: nik参加的: attached; participant; participator参加的机会: look in多国参加的: multilateral可参加的: enterable骂的人多: too many scolders附加的人: etcetera(由陪审团参加的)审讯: inquisition不参加的, 无分红权的: non-participating不参加的航空器: non participating aircraft攻城战参加的血盟: siege_clans由多人一起参加的: participating有飞机员参加的: by having the pilotin the looppiston有人参加的试验: human test自愿参加的工作: volunteer work被召的人多,选上的人少: many be called,but few chosen参加长征的人: long marcher参加集会的人: conventioneer参加球赛的人: ballplayerr(尤指由陪审团参加的)审讯: inquest多方参加的集体发起: participating sponsorship