参加: join; attend; take part in; ...球赛: ball game; match的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...参加半决赛的人或队: fainelist fainelistt参加比赛的人的名单: entry比赛的参加者: attendant参加比赛的队: compeling team; competing team参加比赛的马: mount比赛的人: participant; participator一场篮球赛的票: tickets for a basketball match足球赛的巡边员。: head linesman不参加比赛的队长: non-playing captain不参加比赛的期间: layoff参加半决赛的选手: semi-finalist参加比赛的队员: playing member参加比赛的射手: tournament archer参加决赛的选手: finalists参加决赛的运动员: finalist参加评比赛的马: show horse参加优胜比赛的: cuptied有参加比赛的资格: eligibility安排比赛的人: matchmaker参与比赛的人: one of the people involved in playing a game e.g. tennis player or football player出口处,参赛的人: exit