

[ quèzhǐbùgōng ] 发音:   "却之不恭"的汉语解释   用"却之不恭"造句
  • it is disrespectful to decline [refuse].;it would be disrespectful [impolite] to decline ...:却之不恭, 受之有愧。 to accept (these sumptuous gifts) embarrasses me, but to refuse them would be unmannerly.; to decline would be disrespectful but to accept is embarrassing
  • 却之不恭受之有愧:    to accept embarrasses me but to refuse them would be unmannerly
  • 不恭:    disrespectful 言词不恭 use disrespectful language; 却之不恭。 it would be disrespectful to decline
  • 却之下恭:    to refuse would be impolite
  • 草草不恭:    make in a hurry and without care; act carelessly; finish sth. roughly; hastily to prepare (a letter, etc.); in a careless [perfunctory] way
  • 玩世不恭:    be cynical; a hippy; disdain worldly affairs; live in defiance of conventions; take a cynical attitude towards life; throw restraint to the winds and lead a licentious life; treat all things indecorously


  1. It would be disrespectful to decline .
  2. Yi piao took out a lot of food and asked us strongly to reduce his heavy , so i accepted


        却之不恭受之有愧:    to accept embarrasses me but to refuse them would be unmannerly
        不恭:    disrespectful 言词不恭 use disrespectful language; 却之不恭。 it would be disrespectful to decline
        却之下恭:    to refuse would be impolite
        草草不恭:    make in a hurry and without care; act carelessly; finish sth. roughly; hastily to prepare (a letter, etc.); in a careless [perfunctory] way
        玩世不恭:    be cynical; a hippy; disdain worldly affairs; live in defiance of conventions; take a cynical attitude towards life; throw restraint to the winds and lead a licentious life; treat all things indecorously
        玩世不恭者:    cynic
        言词不恭:    use disrespectful language
        极不恭敬的话:    swearword
        取之不尽,用之不竭:    be inexhaustible in supply and always available for useabound inexhaustlessunexhausted
        取之不尽,用之不竭:    be inexhaustible in supply and always available for use; abound in; exhaustless; unexhausted
        多摩君之不:    domo-kun no fushigi terebi
        感之不尽:    be exceedingly thankful; extremely grateful
        挥之不去:    can't take it
        来之不易:    be not easily won; be hard won; be not easily come by; hard-earned; have not been easily won; it has not come easily.; not easily achieved [gotten; got; obtained]: 我们的成功来之不易。 our successes were hard-earned. 我们的胜利来之不易。 our victory was hard-won. 每一粒粮食都来之不易。 every single grain is the result of toil. 我们今天稳定的形势是来之不易的。 the stable situation of our country today was hard won
        来之不易的:    hard earned; hard-earned; hard-won
        钱来之不易:    money doesn't grow on trees; money doesn’t grow on trees
        求之不得:    seek but fail to get; all that one could wish for; exceedingly [most] welcome; fail to find a thing after searching for it; just what one (has) wished for; so rare that it is not to be sought 求之不得的事情 just what one wants; 这是求之不得的机会。 this is a most welcome opportunity. 求之不得, 不求自来。 follow love, and it will flee; flee love, and it will follow thee
        取之不尽:    inexhaustible
        取之不尽的:    inexhaustible
        使之不逮:    beggar
        说之不尽:    it is too long a story to tell
        无之不化:    das nichten des nichts
        喜之不尽:    be supremely happy
        新金之不日:    die another day
        却征服不了我们的内心:    we have conquered the uter space but not our inner space
        却怎么也找不到你:    and you’re nowhere to be found


        却之不恭的日语:〈成〉辞退するのは失礼である. 老大娘再三邀请 yāoqǐng ,他觉得却之不恭,只好去了/おばあさんの再三の招きを辞退するのは失礼だと思ったので,彼はとうとう出かけていった. 却之不恭,受之有愧 kuì /辞退すれば失礼になるが,そうかといって受け取るのも恐縮である.
        却之不恭的俄语:pinyin:quèzhǐbùgōng отвергать дар ? непочтительно; пренебрегать (чувствами) ? неудобно; не хочется обижать друзей; не смею отказаться
        却之不恭什么意思:què zhī bù gōng 【解释】却:推却。指对别人的邀请、赠与等,如果拒绝接受,就显得不恭敬。 【出处】《孟子·万章下》:“却之却之为不恭。” 【示例】我们觉得~,只好让他劳驾。(邹韬奋《经历·惨淡经营之后》) 【拼音码】qzbg 【灯谜面】别客气 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语;常与“受之有愧”连用 【英文】it would be impolite to decline


  1. "却在小鸟审判"英文
  2. "却在转瞬间无处寻觅"英文
  3. "却则"英文
  4. "却怎么也找不到你"英文
  5. "却征服不了我们的内心"英文
  6. "却之不恭受之有愧"英文
  7. "却之下恭"英文
  8. "却止不了我心中的痛"英文
  9. "却只变的更混乱"英文
  10. "却只能深埋心底"英文


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