莽: rank grass; thick weeds的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...做事卤莽的人: perisher卤莽的: hotheaded; mad; rash; reckless鲁莽的人: bull in a china shop十分鲁莽的人: a complete madcap行动鲁莽的人: tearaway卤莽: temerity放荡的人, 鲁莽的人: a sad dog急性子的人,鲁莽的: hothead卤莽地: headlong鲁莽的黩武主义者,张牙舞爪的人。: sabre-rattler我是一个既冷静又鲁莽的坚持信仰的人: hardheaded and hotheaded, bullheaded and pigheaded鲁莽的: hardy; harum-scarum; heady; impertinent; impetuous; madbrained; madcap; rash; reckless; slap-bang行为卤莽: one's actions are rude原谅别人卤莽: forgive for being rude粗野的,鲁莽的: lowbred狂热的, 鲁莽的: mad-brained鲁莽的言行: abrupt manner轻率的;鲁莽的: brash a. hasty and too bold行动鲁莽的: tearaway卤莽地、轻举妄动地: rashly不顾后果的;鲁莽的: reckless鲁莽的,不顾后果的: reckless