不顾后果: regardless of the consequenc ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...鲁莽: crude and rash; rash; reckle ...鲁莽的,不顾后果的: reckless粗心大意的,鲁莽的,不顾后果的: reckless不顾后果: irrespective of the consequences; regardless of the consequences; without reflecting on the consequences粗心, 大意, 不顾后果: be reckless of鲁莽的: hardy; harum-scarum; heady; impertinent; impetuous; madbrained; madcap; rash; reckless; slap-bang不管怎样,无论如何, 不顾后果地: regardless ad粗野的,鲁莽的: lowbred狂热的, 鲁莽的: mad-brained鲁莽的人: bull in a china shop鲁莽的言行: abrupt manner轻率的;鲁莽的: brash a. hasty and too bold行动鲁莽的: tearaway后果的: sequential顾前不顾后: drive ahead without considering the consequences; act rashly; watch what is before him without regard for what is behind him; attend to the present and leave the future to take care of itself; consider only the present and forget about the future十分鲁莽的人: a complete madcap行动鲁莽的人: tearaway放荡的人, 鲁莽的人: a sad dog急性子的人,鲁莽的: hothead鲁莽的,冒失的,无礼的: impudent鲁莽的,有勇无谋的: foolhardy某种鲁莽的冒险: some madcaadventure不及后果的: reckless