

  • single planing surface
  • 滑行:    glissade; run; slide; glide; ...
  • :    face
  • 滑行面:    planing surface; runner
  • 水上滑行面:    planing surface
  • 单个:    particularity; single tab stop; singularity; solitude


        滑行:    glissade; run; slide; glide; ...
        :    face
        滑行面:    planing surface; runner
        水上滑行面:    planing surface
        单个:    particularity; single tab stop; singularity; solitude
        滑行:    glissade; run; slide; glide; taxing; coast; taxi 滑行下坡 coast down a slope; 冰上滑行 slide on the ice; 飞机降落了, 并滑行到位。 the plane comes in and taxis up to its place.; 滑行板 guide plate; 滑行车 sleigh; 滑行架 runner; 滑行坡度 coasting grade; 滑行水道 taxi-channel; 滑行艇 hydroplane; hydro; displacement boat
        平行面:    parallel plane; parallel surface
        运行面:    anlaufflaeche
        执行面:    executive overhead executive plane
        一个滑梯:    a slide
        成平行面的:    plane of parallel; plane-parallel
        光学平行面:    optical parallels
        轨的滚行面:    running surface of rail
        平行面规:    parallel faced type of gauge; parallel-faced type of gauge
        平行面切割:    face parallel cut
        平行面切截:    face-parallel cut
        平行面体:    parallelohedron
        七平行面体:    heptaparalleohedron
        伪平行面:    pseudo-parallel planes
        执行面板:    executive faceplate
        他是个滑板男孩:    he was a skater boy
        他是个滑板少年:    he was a skater boy
        单个舱:    individual tank
        单个的:    individual; single; solo
        单个儿:    1.(独自一个) individually; alone 最好集体去, 不要单个儿去。 we'd better go in a group, not individually.2.(成套或成对中的一个) an odd one 这双鞋剩下单个儿了。 there's only an odd shoe left


  1. "单个供血者输血"英文
  2. "单个股东"英文
  3. "单个光子到达"英文
  4. "单个荷载"英文
  5. "单个核细胞"英文
  6. "单个活动"英文
  7. "单个或批量翻译"英文
  8. "单个基因"英文
  9. "单个基因作用"英文
  10. "单个机轮的防拖胎装置"英文


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