光子: quantum photon; photon到达: arrive; get to; reach圣子到: hareluya boy boyy; hareluya2boys燕子到: yan zi dao单个: particularity; single tab stop; singularity; solitude光子: [量子] quantum photon; photon◇光子测井 photon logging; 光子层 photon sphere; 光子电子学 photoelectronics; 光子发动机 photon engine; 光子飞船 photon spaceship; 光子轰击 photon bombardment; 光子火箭 photon rocket; 光子计 photon meter; 光子碰撞 photon collision; 光子束 photon beam; 光子学 photonics; 光子循环 photon cycling到达: arrive; get to; reach 到达顶点 come to a head; 到达饥饿点 reach the point of starvation; 他们昨天到达北京。 they arrived in beijing yesterday.; 到达港 port of arrival; port of destination; 到达日 date of arrival; 到达时间 time of arrival; 到达站 destination; (列车) 到达站台 in-track platform; 到达重量 arrived weight; landed weight日子到头了: one’s days on earth end半个光圈: half a stop推个光头: have one's head shaved push forward一个光脉冲: a pulse of light从鸽子到和平: from the dove to peace好日子到头了: the edukators定义一个光源: defining a light source单个舱: individual tank单个的: individual; single; solo单个儿: 1.(独自一个) individually; alone 最好集体去, 不要单个儿去。 we'd better go in a group, not individually.2.(成套或成对中的一个) an odd one 这双鞋剩下单个儿了。 there's only an odd shoe left单个级: individual step单个型: single pattern单个瘘: solitary fistula爬梯子到房子里去: climb a ladder to get into my house五个光头的少年: fancy dance由一个光发送机: bfos basic fiber optical subsystem超光子: photinos; tachyons单光子: ct; single photon