

发音:   用"动物故事"造句


  1. Their hungry, wintry cry used to remind the boys of wonderful animal stories .
  2. The children were captivated by the animal story
  3. Meet bear and other pets in need in our new adopt a pet area . see videos , photos and animal stories from shelters and rescue organizations across the usa
  4. 46 planet earth the bbc ' s breathtaking new natural history masterpiece will change the way you see the world . we take a closer look at the series ' most incredible wildlife stories
  5. Most people , raised on disney versions of sentient and passionate beasts , would say that these tales , both true , simply confirm their suspicions that animals can feel intense , humanlike emotions


        动物:    animal
        故事:    story; tale
        人物故事:    people story
        物故:    [书面语] pass away; die
        动物的故事:    story-of-animal
        动物园故事:    zoo story
        动物园的故事:    the zoo story; zoo story
        物故身亡:    pass away
        故事:    1.(用作讲述的事情) story; tale 编造故事 fabricate [invent] a story; 讲故事 relate a tale; tell a story; 黄色故事 blue story; dirty story; 历史传奇故事 stories both historical and legendary; 神话故事 a fairy story; 民间故事 folktale; folk story2.(情节) plot; 故事画报 storyboard; 故事会 a gathering at which stories are told; story-telling session; 故事 (影)片 film-picture; feature film; photoplay; 故事员 storyteller
        动物:    animal; zoon (pl. zoa); beast 反刍动物 ruminant; 环节动物 annelid; annelida; 节肢动物 arthropod; 棘皮动物 echinoderm; 脊椎动物 vertebrate; 脊索动物 chordate; 寄生动物 parasitic animal; 冷血动物 cold-blooded animal; 两栖动物 amphibian; 灵长动物 primate; 卵生动物 oviparous animal; 爬行动物 reptile; 啮齿动物 rodent; 哺乳动物 mammal; 腔肠动物 coelenterate; 软体动物 mollusk; 蠕形动物 verme; 食草动物 herbivorous animal; 食肉动物 carnivore; 胎生动物 viviparous animal; 无脊椎动物 invertebrate; 有蹄动物 ungulate; 原生动物 protozoa; 甲壳动物 crustacean; 动物爱护者 zoophilist; 动物保护色 protective coloration; 动物标本剥制术 taxidermy; 动物病理学 zoopathology; 动物崇拜 zoolatry; 动物传染病 zoonosis (pl. zoonoses); 动物带 animal zone; 动物分类学 zootaxy; 动物解剖学 zootomy; veterinary anatomy; 动物圈 [生态学] zoosphere; 动物社会学 animal sociology; 动物饲养员 zooman; 动物习性学 animal ethology; 动物喜爱癖 zoophilism; 动物细胞 zooblast; 动物心理学 animal psychology; 动物行为 animal behavior; 动物志 fauna
        动物;动物:    fauna
        s的故事:    s
        编故事:    spin; your story please
        兜故事:    my life as mcdull
        短故事:    anecdote
        故事,小说:    story
        故事,传说:    tale
        故事,经历:    story
        故事,奇谈:    yarn n
        故事板:    stp
        故事的:    narrative
        故事会:    story telling session
        故事集:    stories; tales
        故事片:    feature films; film picture
        故事诗:    geste; metrical tale


  1. "动物公园管理员"英文
  2. "动物共生鞭毛藻"英文
  3. "动物共生原球藻"英文
  4. "动物构造学"英文
  5. "动物骨纽扣"英文
  6. "动物固醇"英文
  7. "动物挂铃"英文
  8. "动物管理员"英文
  9. "动物过敏原"英文
  10. "动物害虫"英文


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