

发音:   "功成身退"的汉语解释   用"功成身退"造句
  • retire after winning merit; retire from political life after winning tremendous successes; retire after having made one's mark; retire after having rendered meritorious service; rest [repose; retire] on one's laurels; retire from public life after a great work is done [accomplished]


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  1. I shall leave off while i am well .
  2. All that a californian might wish or strive to be had been exemplified in his distinguished career now drawing to a close .
  3. And we went out at the top of our game , undefeated
  4. And we went out at the top of our game , undefeated
  5. Rainfall station at ngong ping accomplished its task


        成身院:    joshinin
        到功成:    alear
        周功成:    kung shing chow
        抽身退步:    alanis morissette
        反身退步:    fallaway
        全身退缩:    generalized recession
        成功成本法:    successful-efforts costing
        功成不居:    disclaim all achievements one has made; claim no credit for one's service
        功成名就:    achieve success and win recognition [acquire fame]; have work done and recognized; accomplish both success and fame
        功成名立:    achieve success and win recognition
        功成业就:    be crowned with success
        无功成分:    idle component
        有功成分:    active component
        一将功成万骨枯:    what millions died that caesar might be great!; a general builds his success on ten thousand bleaching bones.; it's the blood of the rank and file that has won the general's promotion.; one general achieves renown over the dead bodies of 10,000 soldiers.; the achievement of a general cost many lives.; the many must labour for the one
        成功成功之事物或人:    sucess
        意图造成身体严重伤害而……打人:    striking with intent to do grievous bodily harm
        功垂竹帛:    one's deeds will live forever in history.; be recorded in history in letters of gold
        功次:    koji
        功次郎:    kojiro
        功臣自居:    regard oneself as having rendered a great service (to ...); give oneself the airs of a hero; self-styled distinguished veteran
        功大于过:    one's deeds outweigh one's faults.; merits outweigh demerits.; one's merits outweigh errors.; one's achievements outweigh one's errors
        功臣:    meritorious statesman; a person who has rendered outstanding service


        功成身退什么意思:gōng chéng shēn tuì 【解释】指大功告成之后,自行隐退,不再复出。 【出处】《老子》:“功成、名遂、身退、天之道。” 【拼音码】gcst 【用法】连动式;作谓语、定语;指大功告成之后,自行隐退


  1. "功臣"英文
  2. "功臣自居"英文
  3. "功成不居"英文
  4. "功成名就"英文
  5. "功成名立"英文
  6. "功成业就"英文
  7. "功垂竹帛"英文
  8. "功次"英文
  9. "功次郎"英文
  10. "功大于过"英文


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