到功成: alear周功成: kung shing chow变动不居: change able岁月不居: time marches on成功成本法: successful-efforts costing功成名就: achieve success and win recognition [acquire fame]; have work done and recognized; accomplish both success and fame功成名立: achieve success and win recognition功成身退: retire after winning merit; retire from political life after winning tremendous successes; retire after having made one's mark; retire after having rendered meritorious service; rest [repose; retire] on one's laurels; retire from public life after a great work is done [accomplished]功成业就: be crowned with success无功成分: idle component有功成分: active component成不了气候: cannot prevail; can not get anywhere; cannot have their way; cannot hold away; can not come to much; will not get anywhere 像他那样的小丑成不了气候, 我们并没放在眼里。 clowns like him will not get anywhere. we attach no importance to them骨形成不良: osteodystrophia; osteodystrophy骨形成不全: anosteoplasia海成不整合: marine unconformity陆成不整合: subaerial unconformity年成不好: a lean year使成不毛: sterilization使一成不变: stereotype收成不好: lean crop; poor crop收成不佳: poor crop完成不定式: perfect infinitive形成不全: hypoplasia; hypoplasty; hypoplasy牙生成不全: odontogenesis imperfecta功臣自居: regard oneself as having rendered a great service (to ...); give oneself the airs of a hero; self-styled distinguished veteran功臣: meritorious statesman; a person who has rendered outstanding service
功成不居的韩语:【성어】 공적을 자기 것으로 차지하지 않다. 공로를 남에게 돌리다.功成不居的俄语:pinyin:gōngchéngbùjū и совершить подвиг и не ставить себе это в заслугу (обр. в знач.: быть скромным)功成不居什么意思:gōng chéng bù jū 【解释】原意是任其自然存在,不去占为己有。后形容立了功而不把功劳归于自己。 【出处】《老子》:“生而不有,为而不恃,功成而不居。” 【示例】看他前九首,便是一位努力从王之人,而以~终之。(清·无名氏《杜诗言志》卷六) 【拼音码】gcbj 【用法】紧缩式;作谓语、定语;指不居功自傲 【英文】not claim credit for oneself