

发音:   用"前后配穴"造句
  • the combination of the anterior-posterior points
  • 前后:    around; about
  • :    join in marriage
  • :    cave; cavern; grotto
  • 前后配置:    arrangement on fore and aft
  • 配穴:    adjunct acupuncture points; adjunct points; associated point; coordination of acupoints; the combination of points


        前后:    around; about
        :    join in marriage
        :    cave; cavern; grotto
        前后配穴法:    anterior-posterior point association; anterior-posterior points selection
        前后配置:    arrangement on fore and aft
        配穴:    adjunct acupuncture points; adjunct points; associated point; coordination of acupoints; the combination of points
        配穴法:    point association; point prescription
        前后:    1.(时间接近) around; about 春节前后 around the spring festival2.(自始至终) from start to finish; from beginning to end; altogether 这篇小说从动笔到定稿, 前后用了一年时间。 the novel took a year to write altogether, from start to finish. 他前后来过四五次。 he has been here four or five times altogether.3.(前面和后面) front and back 受到前后围攻 be attacked both front and back; be caught between two fires; 房子前后都是果树。 there are fruit trees in front and at the back of the house
        产后配种:    postpartum breeding
        产后配种期:    rebreeding time
        后配额时代:    postquota regimee
        后配流盘:    rear thrust plate
        盘后配线:    panel-back wiring
        最后配额:    final quota
        本经配穴:    selection of points on the diseased channel
        表里配穴:    the combination of exterior-interior points
        表里配穴法:    exterior-interior point association; internal-external compatibility of acupoints
        链锁配穴法:    chain association of points
        上下配穴:    upper-lower selection of acupoints
        五输配穴法:    five shu-points compatibility
        阴阳配穴法:    yin-yang point association
        俞墓配穴法:    selective matching of shu-mu acupoints
        原络配穴:    combined selection of yuan point and luo point
        远近配穴:    the combination of the distant-local point
        远近配穴法:    distal-proximal point association; distal-proximal points selection



  1. "前后盘亚科"英文
  2. "前后盘亚目"英文
  3. "前后盘总科"英文
  4. "前后盘总科类腹盘属"英文
  5. "前后判若两人"英文
  6. "前后配穴法"英文
  7. "前后配置"英文
  8. "前后披肩"英文
  9. "前后平衡"英文
  10. "前后平衡调整"英文


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