

发音:   用"上下配穴"造句
  • upper-lower selection of acupoints
  • 上下:    and -- one of the six catego ...
  • :    join in marriage
  • :    cave; cavern; grotto
  • 上下配置:    one-above-the-other layout
  • 配穴:    adjunct acupuncture points; adjunct points; associated point; coordination of acupoints; the combination of points


        上下:    and -- one of the six catego ...
        :    join in marriage
        :    cave; cavern; grotto
        上下配置:    one-above-the-other layout
        配穴:    adjunct acupuncture points; adjunct points; associated point; coordination of acupoints; the combination of points
        配穴法:    point association; point prescription
        地下配线:    underground distribution
        上下:    1.(职务、辈分上的高低) high and low; old and young 举国上下 the whole nation; 全家上上下下都很高兴。 all members of the family, old and young, are very pleased.2.(从上到下) from top to bottom; up and down 这个水塔上下有五十米。 the water tower is fifty metres high.3.(从高到低或从低到高) go up and down 摩天楼里有电梯, 上下很方便。 with an elevator in the skyscraper, we can easily go up and down.4.(程度高低) relative superiority or inferiority 不相上下 equally matched; about the same; 难分上下 hard to tell which is better5.(用在数量词后面) about; or so; or thereabouts 三十岁上下 about thirty years old; thirty or so
        本经配穴:    selection of points on the diseased channel
        表里配穴:    the combination of exterior-interior points
        表里配穴法:    exterior-interior point association; internal-external compatibility of acupoints
        链锁配穴法:    chain association of points
        前后配穴:    the combination of the anterior-posterior points
        前后配穴法:    anterior-posterior point association; anterior-posterior points selection
        五输配穴法:    five shu-points compatibility
        阴阳配穴法:    yin-yang point association
        俞墓配穴法:    selective matching of shu-mu acupoints
        原络配穴:    combined selection of yuan point and luo point
        远近配穴:    the combination of the distant-local point
        远近配穴法:    distal-proximal point association; distal-proximal points selection
        左右配穴:    bilateral point pairing; the combination of left-right points; the combination of the left-right points
        左右配穴法:    bilateral point pairing; bilateralpoint pairing; location of left and right points; simultaneous needling of right and left points
        针灸配穴方法:    a form of point association
        八脉八穴配穴法:    compatibility of eight acupoints and extrameridians
        吊上下:    pick u30” conductor handling slings and shackles



  1. "上下旅客区段或装卸货物区段"英文
  2. "上下落料法"英文
  3. "上下密度差"英文
  4. "上下模板"英文
  5. "上下盘领"英文
  6. "上下配置"英文
  7. "上下偏离指示器"英文
  8. "上下坡踏步台阶"英文
  9. "上下铺"英文
  10. "上下铺的床"英文


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