利益: interest; gain; benefit; pro ...关系: relation; filiation; relatio ...关心: be concerned with; show soli ...有关: have sth. to do with; have a ...有关事件: relevant event有关事实: relative facts; relevant facts有关事项: matters of concern兴趣,关心,注意,利益: interest有关系: be related to; bear; make a difference; matter; reck; relate访谈有关事项示例: proceeding demonstration医疗及有关事务: medical treatment and services有关事实的问题: question of fact利益关系方: party interested利益关系人: party interested; shareholders利益有关机构: institutional stakeholders关心黑人利益的人: negrophile关心自己的利益: scratch for oneself成就之事, 真事实, 有关事物: res gestae就有关事项聆讯该人: hear him on the subject现将有关事项通知如下: hereby notify the related matters as follows不再有关系: it doesn't matter anymore非有关系字: nonrelational words和…有关系: have something to do with; have to do with; your destiny has something to do with your character互相有关系: correlate没有关系: it doesn't matter; never mind; that’s all right