统计: statistics; census; numerica ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...火灾: fire; conflagration不列入统计的火灾: nonstatistical fire投入统计: input statistics国民收入统计: national income statistics劳动投入统计: statistics on labor input统计的: statistical a. of collected numbers which represent facts or measurement统计量;统计的: statistic封闭的火灾: contained fire可疑的火灾: su icious fire; suspicious fire物料投入统计计量: input accountability保险统计的: actuarial人口统计的: demographic生物统计的: biometrical; biostatistical试验统计的: test statistic; test-statistic死亡统计的: necrologic统计的概率: statistical probability统计的基数: radices统计的模型: statistical model发展中的火灾: growing fire耗时长的火灾: persistent fire受控制的火灾: control fires未报告的火灾: unreported fire火灾统计: fire statistics