死亡: die; breathe one's last; dea ...统计: statistics; census; numerica ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...死亡统计: death statistics; necrology死亡统计表: bill of mortality; mortality table; necrology死亡统计学: necrology死亡统计学家: necrologist出生和死亡统计: vital statistics人口与出生死亡统计报告: population and vital statistics report统计的: statistical a. of collected numbers which represent facts or measurement统计量;统计的: statistic保险统计的: actuarial人口统计的: demographic生物统计的: biometrical; biostatistical试验统计的: test statistic; test-statistic统计的概率: statistical probability统计的基数: radices统计的模型: statistical model死亡率统计: mortality statistics统计的点估计: statistical point estimation统计的独立性: statistical independence统计的均匀性: statistical uniformity统计的可靠性: reliability of statistics; statistical reliability统计的准确性: statistical accuracy死亡率统计表: actuarial life table; experience table