

  • don’t teach fish to swim
  • 切勿:    be sure not to
  • 班门弄斧:    display one's slight skill b ...
  • 勿班门弄斧:    don't teach your grandmother to such eggs
  • 班门弄斧:    display one's slight skill before an expert; be conceited; display one's incompetence before a connoisseur; go to teach hewing to the god of carpenters; show off before a superior man; show off in the presence of an expert; show off one's proficiency with the axe before lu ban, the master carpenter; teach fish to swim; teach one's grandmother (how) to suck eggs 先生大名, 如雷灌耳, 小弟献丑,真是班门弄斧了。 your great name long since reached my ears like thunder. i am ashamed to show off my incompetence in the presence of an expert like yourself
  • 不要班门弄斧:    do not teach fish to swim; do not try to teach your grandmother to such eggs; don't try to teach fish how to swim; never offer to teach fish to swim


        切勿:    be sure not to
        班门弄斧:    display one's slight skill b ...
        勿班门弄斧:    don't teach your grandmother to such eggs
        班门弄斧:    display one's slight skill before an expert; be conceited; display one's incompetence before a connoisseur; go to teach hewing to the god of carpenters; show off before a superior man; show off in the presence of an expert; show off one's proficiency with the axe before lu ban, the master carpenter; teach fish to swim; teach one's grandmother (how) to suck eggs 先生大名, 如雷灌耳, 小弟献丑,真是班门弄斧了。 your great name long since reached my ears like thunder. i am ashamed to show off my incompetence in the presence of an expert like yourself
        不要班门弄斧:    do not teach fish to swim; do not try to teach your grandmother to such eggs; don't try to teach fish how to swim; never offer to teach fish to swim
        班门弄斧;好为人师:    to teach one"s grandmother to such eggs
        班门弄斧(关公门前耍大刀):    teach one's grandmother how to suck eggs
        不要班门弄斧。 英语谚语:    don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs
        切莫班门弄虎:    don't teach fish how to swim
        班门:    ban mun
        切勿:    be sure not to 切勿倒置 do not turn over; keep upright; 切勿干燥 keep wet; 切勿受潮 keep dry; 切勿投掷 no dumping; no shooting; 切勿压挤 do not crush; 切勿坠落 do not drop; no dropping; 切勿听信谣言。 don't believe rumours
        切勿用“:    it’s my secret don’t ask such a personal question
        班门坎巴约:    ban chin bayo
        切勿迟延:    be sure not to delay
        切勿错过:    don’t miss it
        切勿倒置:    do not turn upside down; keeupright; no turning over
        切勿放弃:    don’t give up
        切勿干燥:    kewet
        切勿回返:    no re-entry
        切勿挤压:    do not crush
        切勿见怪:    don't take it ill.; you must not take it ill
        切勿近火:    keep away from fire
        切勿近火95:    keeaway from fire
        切勿靠近:    keep clear; keep off
        切勿乱摔:    do not drop


  1. "切乌利克"英文
  2. "切乌兹"英文
  3. "切伍尔"英文
  4. "切勿"英文
  5. "切勿把心全交出"英文
  6. "切勿迟延"英文
  7. "切勿错过"英文
  8. "切勿倒置"英文
  9. "切勿放弃"英文
  10. "切勿干燥"英文


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