班: class; team门: entrance; exit; door; gate坎: bank; ridge巴: hope earnestly; wait anxious ...约: 1个月 about a month坎巴约: cambaio班门: ban mun门坎: door bank; door sill; doorsill; threshold巴约: baileux; baillaud; bailleau; bailleux; baillod; baillot; baio; bajo; bayeux; bayot; vayo门坎;门坎: door sill坎巴: camba; kamba; khampat门槛;门坎: door sill门坎(四级): a.threshold诺门坎: nomonhan石门坎: shimenkan班门弄斧: display one's slight skill before an expert; be conceited; display one's incompetence before a connoisseur; go to teach hewing to the god of carpenters; show off before a superior man; show off in the presence of an expert; show off one's proficiency with the axe before lu ban, the master carpenter; teach fish to swim; teach one's grandmother (how) to suck eggs 先生大名, 如雷灌耳, 小弟献丑,真是班门弄斧了。 your great name long since reached my ears like thunder. i am ashamed to show off my incompetence in the presence of an expert like yourself勿班门弄斧: don't teach your grandmother to such eggs巴约阿: baioa巴约德: bayod巴约蒂: baiotti巴约尔: bailleul; bajohr; bajor; bayor巴约基: baiocchi; bajocchi巴约角: bayo pt巴约科: bajocco; davide baiocco巴约克: bailloc