This new architecture changed the old concept of building nm system based on application . in this new monitoring nm system , application is abstracted and divided into different granularity . we also offered a developing environment for configuration the objects 该设计改变了传统的针对具体的应用网络开发网络管理系统的模式,而是将其抽象到一定的高度,以合理的粒度分解网络元素和应用,同时给用户提供网元配置、应用配置和运行的环境。
分解: resolve; decompose; disinteg network; electric network me ...图解网络评核法: gert network method系统网络的分解: decomposition of system network水解网硬蛋白: hydrolyzed reticulin分解: 1.(整体的分化) resolve; decompose; disintegrate; disassemble; break down; break up; decomposition 因数分解 resolution into factors; 力的分解 resolution of forces; 水可分解为氢和氧。water can be resolved [decomposed] into hydrogen and oxygen. 统一体总要分解为不同部分的。a unity invariably tends to break up into different parts.2.(解释, 说明) explain; recount; disclose 且听下回分解。read [listen to] next chapter for disclosure (of developments of a story). 欲知后事如何, 且听下回分解。but as to what happened thereafter, that will be disclosed in the ensuing chapter网络: 1.[电学] network; electric network2.(网) meshwork; system; graph (指一维复形); mesh双分解, 复分解: double decomposition网络,网络: networklush分解: lush-resolutionqr分解: qr decomposition本分解: incumbent solution崩解;分解: disintegration部分解: partial solution单分解: simple decomposition电分解: electric decomposition; electrodialysis; electrolysis酚分解: zymohydrolysis分解,腐烂: decompose分解-协调: decomposition-coordination分解,腐蚀: break up分解,将: split分解,决定: resolve分解;分裂: break up分解;消蚀: slaking分解氨: cracked ammonium