分期: by stages还: still; yet款: sincere分期还款表: amortization money table分期还款信贷: installment credit; instalment financing分期还款的清算: liquidation in instalments到期还款日: payment due date分期还贷: amortizing a loan过期还款比率: delinquency rate分期还本付息: installment and interest charges分期还本债券: nbsp; serial bonds拖欠率;过期还款比率: delinquency rate分期还本公司债券: serial bonds分批还本债券;分期还本债券: serial bond分期付息到期还本的抵押贷款: straight mortgage还款: rembursement; repayment分期偿付或摊还款项的清算: liquidation in instalments分期付款中最后一笔特大的偿还款: ballon payment分期付髋中最后一笔特大的偿还款: balloon payment分期: 1.(分阶段地) by stages 分期贷款 instalment credit; 分期还本付息 instalment and interest charges; 我去年在报纸上读过这故事的分期连载。 i read instalments of the story in the newspaper last year.2.(划分时期) divide into different period 历史分期 the division of history into historical periods3.periodization初期还原: initial creep rate; initial reduction还款,偿还: repayment还款期: mortgage term; repayment period延期还本付息: delayed repayment of capital and interest; delayed repayments of capital and interest还款保证书,还款担保,还款包函: repayment guarantee