分批: in batches; in turn还本: repayment of principal债券: bond; debenture; debenture s ...分期: by stages分期还本债券: nbsp; serial bonds分批还本债券, 序列债券: serial bonds分期还本公司债券: serial bonds瑞本债券: rembrandt bond资本债券: capital debentures分期还本付息: installment and interest charges又称资本债券: corporate bond日本债券信用银行: nipoon credit bank债券还本溢价: premium on repayments还本时付息债券: discount bond一次还本公司债券: term bonds债券的还本付息: repayment of principal and interest for bonds延期还本付息: delayed repayment of capital and interest; delayed repayments of capital and interest还本: repayment of principal [capital]分期付息到期还本的抵押贷款: straight mortgage分期提存还本基金: sinking fund偿还本金;还本: repayment of principal还本期: pay back period退股,还本: retirement分期偿还债券: installment bonds; instalment bonds分期付款债券: instalment bond