出卖: offer for sale; sell产业: estate; property industrial并: combine; merge; incorporate; ...租用: rent; hire; take on lease的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...处置: handle; deal with; manage; d ...变卖产业: realization of property; realize on买卖产业税: tax on sale of property产业的: dqstriel; electron; industrial工业的,产业的: industrial adj变卖财产;变卖产业: realization of property产业的广告: industrial advertising产业的销售: industrial selling产业的组织: the organization of industry金融产业的: financial industrial; financial-industrial无线产业的: jsr-185有产业的人: the man of property出卖产销权: franchising产业: 1.(私有财产) estate; property2.(工业生产的) industrial 产业发展的地区布局 geographical distribution of industrial development; 产业结构合理化 rationalize the industrial make-up; rationalize the structure of production; 产业革命 the industrial revolution; 产业工会 industrial union; 产业工人 industrial worker; 产业合理化 rationalization of industry; 产业后备军 industrial reserve army; reserve army of labor; 产业结构 industrial structure [set-ups]; structure of production [enterprises]; set up of production; industry mix; the industrial make-up; 产业界 industrial circles; 产业军 industrial army; 产业情报 industrial espionage; 产业心理学 industrial psychology; 产业突变 industrial mutation; 产业循环 business cycle; 产业政策 industrial policy; 产业资本家 industrial capitalist 产业的非法占有: wrongful occupation of an estate产业的升级换代: upgrading of industies; upgrading of industries传统产业的电子化: e-traditional industry各别产业的帐目: nbsp; separate estates account扩展产业的拨款: appropriations for additions of property电影小产业的辉煌与衰落: grandeur et decadence d'un petit commerce de cinema