You allude perhaps to the entail of this estate . 你大概是说产业的继承权问题。
A question arose about the ownership of the property . 这产业的所有权发生了争议。
I want the triumph of seeing my descendant fairly lord of their estates . 我愿意胜利地看见我的后代很堂皇地作他们的产业的主人。
And then there was sippens to see for a report as to the gradual disposal of his real estate holdings . 然后还要去看看西盘斯,听取有关逐步处理他的产业的报告。
If the produce of domestic can be brought there as cheap as that of foreign industry, the regulation is evidently useless . 如果本国产业的生产物在国内市场上的价格同外国产业的生产物一样低廉,这种管制显然无用。
产业: estate; property industrial的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...工业的,产业的: industrial adj产业的广告: industrial advertising产业的销售: industrial selling产业的组织: the organization of industry金融产业的: financial industrial; financial-industrial无线产业的: jsr-185有产业的人: the man of property产业的非法占有: wrongful occupation of an estate产业的升级换代: upgrading of industies; upgrading of industries传统产业的电子化: e-traditional industry各别产业的帐目: nbsp; separate estates account扩展产业的拨款: appropriations for additions of property电影小产业的辉煌与衰落: grandeur et decadence d'un petit commerce de cinema分析在房地产业的运用: rar联权共有产业的帐目: joint estates account拥有领土的, 领域的, 产业的: domanial出卖产业并租用该产业的处置: sale and leaseback产业: 1.(私有财产) estate; property2.(工业生产的) industrial 产业发展的地区布局 geographical distribution of industrial development; 产业结构合理化 rationalize the industrial make-up; rationalize the structure of production; 产业革命 the industrial revolution; 产业工会 industrial union; 产业工人 industrial worker; 产业合理化 rationalization of industry; 产业后备军 industrial reserve army; reserve army of labor; 产业结构 industrial structure [set-ups]; structure of production [enterprises]; set up of production; industry mix; the industrial make-up; 产业界 industrial circles; 产业军 industrial army; 产业情报 industrial espionage; 产业心理学 industrial psychology; 产业突变 industrial mutation; 产业循环 business cycle; 产业政策 industrial policy; 产业资本家 industrial capitalist 我国房地产业的问题及其对房地才贷的影响: real estate development and its influence on real estate credit专业的,职业的: professional工业的: ind ― industrial; technical; wk week/work开业的: practicing; practising农业的: agricultural building; geoponic; georgic