冷: cold活字: type; letter; movable type; ...排版: set type; compose type; comp ...活字排版: type composition中文活字排版机: chinese character type-setter; chinese typesetter标题字排版: display打字排版: type writer composition; typewriter composition铅字排版台: stone文字排版: text composition铸字排版: hot-metal typesetting; metal-type composition文字排版术语: terminology of printing technology―terms for composition文字排版系统: character laydown system汉字排版打印系统: hanzi typesetting system汉字排版激光打印工具: chinese typesetting & laser printing tool基立电脑植字排版公司: cherith computer photo typesetting co; cherith computer photo-typesetting co文字排版软件为金山: wps活字: [印刷] type; letter; movable type; type font◇活字板 letter press plate; 活字印刷 letter press; movable-type printing; 活字印刷术 typography排版: [印刷] set type; compose type; composing; typesetting 打字机排版 typewriter composition; 机器排版 machine composition; 计算机排版输出 computer-output typesetting; 照相排版 photocomposition; 那本书已在排版,很快就可以印出来。 the book will soon be published, the type is being set up now.; 排版编辑 slot man; 排版车间 composing room; 排版工 maker-up; 排版工人 compositor; typesetter 水冷活塞: water cooled piston; water-cooled piston油冷活塞: oil cooled piston; oil-cooled piston光字排: illuminated nameplate活字板: letter press plate活字版: original form; movable type活字带: type belt活字典: (指知识广博的人) walking-dictionary