The $ 2 . 40 stamp features a statue of bi sheng , the man credited with the invention of movable type printing between ad 1041 and 1048 , together with a printing plate , a book so printed and swivel compositor s trays 毕升在宋庆历年( 1041 - 1048年)间发明泥活字印刷术。票中可见毕升像、泥活字版、用活字排印的古籍及转轮排字盘。
This programme travels to gutenberg ' s hometown of maintz in germany to discover how gutenberg lived and worked and to uncover the amazing range of industrial processes that he would have had to invent 近年两位著名学者使用数位影像和电脑分析,发现古腾堡圣经的字母各不相同,而制作或铸造每个字母的方法与今日所谓的活字版印刷的观念不同,质疑这本圣经的印法。
The printing - house , i found , consisted of an old , damaged press , and a small , worn - out font of english types , which he was using himself , composing an elegy on aquila rose , before mentioned , an ingenious young man , of excellent character , much respected in the town , secretary to the assembly , and a pretty poet 我见基梅尔的店里只有一架陈旧破损的印刷机,一副小而磨损的英文活字版,而这东西他就要用来印阿基拉露丝的悼亡诗,这个人,以前我曾提起,是一个有智慧且有良好性格的年轻人,是议会的书记,也是一位诗人,在这城中备受敬重。
活字版的框架: chase 3活字版印刷机: printer for original form活字版翻转制版法: brightype纸型(活字版铸版用): flong圆压式活字版打样机: cylinder galley press阿尔定精装西文古活字版本: aldie edition活字: [印刷] type; letter; movable type; type font◇活字板 letter press plate; 活字印刷 letter press; movable-type printing; 活字印刷术 typography大字版: large print点字版: braille edition; braille" edition排字版: imposing stone印字版: lettering panel纯文字版本: text only version; text version大字版本: large print数字版权: digital copyright活字板: letter press plate活字带: type belt活字典: (指知识广博的人) walking-dictionary活字金: linotype metal; monotype metal; stereotype metal活字筐: type-basket活字轮: type wheel活字盘: [印刷] news case; case; type case; letter board活字球: type ball活字曲: walking dictionary; walking-dictionary活字筒: type cylinder活字板印刷机: printer for original form活字大小: type size