The car , which was some fifty feet long , was very convenient for their purpose 这个车厢长约五十英尺,作一个决斗场倒挺合适。
The happiest thing that could occur to me , would be to die in my father s stead ; that would save us all . “我的朋友, ”马尔塞夫微笑着说, “为我的父亲而死在决斗场是我所希望的。
It appears that after having challenged m . de monte cristo at the opera yesterday , he apologized on the ground to - day . 听说昨天在歌剧院里向基督山先生挑战以后,今天他在决斗场上道歉了。 ”
Colonel proctor and mr fogg , revolvers in hand , hastily quitted their prison , and rushed forward where the noise was most clamorous 普洛克托上校和福克先生,拿着手枪,立即走出了决斗场,赶到前面发出更加激烈的枪声和喊声的车厢去了。