- a polite fiction ie sth assumed to be true for social reasons
- 冠冕堂皇: highfalutin; assume dignifie ...
- 的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 冠冕堂皇的: altisonant
- 冠冕堂皇的话, 好听的话, 奉承话: holiday speeches; holiday words
- 冠冕堂皇: highfalutin; assume dignified airs like people who wear coronets, diadems or other insignia of high office; dignified in form but insincere in substance; high-sounding; have a high-sounding constitution; have a bold, noble bearing; have a bold and dignified bearing; impressive looking; in full regalia with all the pomp of a state occasion; in highsounding words; in a dignified, high-sounding way; ostentatious and pretentious; of noble [dignified] bearing; pose oneself as a high-minded, dignified, honourable, upright character; respectable and dignified