

  • a polite fiction ie sth assumed to be true for social reasons
  • 冠冕堂皇:    highfalutin; assume dignifie ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 冠冕堂皇的:    altisonant
  • 冠冕堂皇的话, 好听的话, 奉承话:    holiday speeches; holiday words
  • 冠冕堂皇:    highfalutin; assume dignified airs like people who wear coronets, diadems or other insignia of high office; dignified in form but insincere in substance; high-sounding; have a high-sounding constitution; have a bold, noble bearing; have a bold and dignified bearing; impressive looking; in full regalia with all the pomp of a state occasion; in highsounding words; in a dignified, high-sounding way; ostentatious and pretentious; of noble [dignified] bearing; pose oneself as a high-minded, dignified, honourable, upright character; respectable and dignified


        冠冕堂皇:    highfalutin; assume dignifie ...
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        冠冕堂皇的:    altisonant
        冠冕堂皇的话, 好听的话, 奉承话:    holiday speeches; holiday words
        冠冕堂皇:    highfalutin; assume dignified airs like people who wear coronets, diadems or other insignia of high office; dignified in form but insincere in substance; high-sounding; have a high-sounding constitution; have a bold, noble bearing; have a bold and dignified bearing; impressive looking; in full regalia with all the pomp of a state occasion; in highsounding words; in a dignified, high-sounding way; ostentatious and pretentious; of noble [dignified] bearing; pose oneself as a high-minded, dignified, honourable, upright character; respectable and dignified
        空口的应酬话:    lip service
        应酬话:    lip service
        堂皇的:    imposing; majestic; palatial; pyramidal
        不堂皇的:    unimposing
        堂皇的;华丽的:    magnificent
        堂皇的宅第:    a lordly mansion
        说几句应酬话:    exchange a few polite words
        空口答应[应酬话],口惠。:    lip service
        高扬的言词, 堂皇的话:    winged words
        富丽堂皇的大厦[旅馆等]。:    pleasure-dome
        冠冕:    royal crown; official hat
        应酬:    1.(交际往来) engage in social activities; have social intercourse; treat with courtesy 不善应酬 be unskilled in social intercourse; 说几句应酬话 exchange a few polite words2.[旧时用语] (私人间的宴会) dinner party 今天晚上有个应酬。 i've been invited to dinner this evening
        堂皇:    stately; handsome; grand; magnificent 富丽堂皇 beautiful and imposing; in majestic splendour; resplendent
        荆冕堂:    crown of thorns' church
        冠形,冠冕:    crown
        堂皇地:    gloriously; grandly; magnificently; superbly
        冠冕公司:    corona prayitna co
        南州冠冕:    a person who has superb talent; a person of extraordinary ability; be gifted with talent and insight far beyond that of the average person
        仁心与冠冕:    kind hearts and coronets
        细麻布冠冕:    linen mitre


  1. "冠冕"英文
  2. "冠冕公司"英文
  3. "冠冕堂皇"英文
  4. "冠冕堂皇的"英文
  5. "冠冕堂皇的话, 好听的话, 奉承话"英文
  6. "冠面,顶侧饰面,上面"英文
  7. "冠面合金"英文
  8. "冠面合金,牙合金"英文
  9. "冠木"英文
  10. "冠内的"英文


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