

发音:   用"兵祸连年"造句
  • years of fighting; successive years of military disaster
  • :    arms; weapons
  • :    misfortune; disaster; calami ...
  • 连年:    in successive years; in cons ...
  • 灾祸连年:    calamity occurs in successive years
  • 连年:    in successive years; in consecutive years; for years running; for years on end 连年干旱 successive years of drought; 连年生长量 current annual increment; 产量连年上升。 output increases year after year


        :    arms; weapons
        :    misfortune; disaster; calami ...
        连年:    in successive years; in cons ...
        灾祸连年:    calamity occurs in successive years
        连年:    in successive years; in consecutive years; for years running; for years on end 连年干旱 successive years of drought; 连年生长量 current annual increment; 产量连年上升。 output increases year after year
        连年的:    current annual
        兵燹祸连:    continuous wars and turmoil
        灾祸连连:    knock on wood; la chevre
        烽火连年:    continuous wars for years; flames of battle raging for many years
        连年大旱:    a great drought for successive years
        连年丰收:    have good harvests in succession; get good harvests for years running; have had consecutive rich harvests; reap rich [bumper] harvests for years running; rich [good, bumper] harvests have been gathered for several years running.; there is a series of good harvests
        连年干旱:    successive years of drought
        连年结果:    annual fruiting
        连年利率:    current annual rate of interest
        连年林利率:    current annual forest per cent
        连年生长:    current annual growth
        连年生长量:    current annual increment
        连年收获:    current yield
        连年吸收量:    current annual uptake
        连年作业:    annual working; current yield system
        产量连年上升:    output increases year after year
        连年保续作业:    sustained annual field working
        连年经营收益:    annual supervisory return
        连年材积生长量:    current annual volume growth
        连年作业的平均年利率:    mean annual rate of interest for annual working


  1. "兵贵神速"英文
  2. "兵贵于精"英文
  3. "兵合而不齐"英文
  4. "兵贺"英文
  5. "兵荒马乱"英文
  6. "兵机海运公司"英文
  7. "兵吉"英文
  8. "兵吉郎"英文
  9. "兵家"英文
  10. "兵家必争之地"英文


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