关系: relation; filiation; relatio ...疏远: drift apart; not in close to ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...脱离: separate oneself from; break ...关系疏远: stand off疏远的: aloof; chilly; distant; icy; intimate; lt gt; remote脱离的: diastatic; disconnected; off疏远的记忆: distant memories遥远的,远距离的: remote远距离的,遥远的: distant与尘世脱离的: unworldly永远的关系: relationshithat lasts脱离关系: disaffiliation; divorce; renunciation; unlink脱离关系, 分手: sever connection脱离关系的: renunciative脱离与…的关系: break away from遥控的,遥远的,远距离的: rem remote疏远: drift apart; not in close touch; keep at a distance; become estranged 互相疏远 be [become] estranged from each other; 一场争吵使他与家人疏远了。 a quarrel had estranged him from his family从……脱离,断绝关系: break away from从混凝土脱离的大块骨料: loose core从火车上脱离的一节车厢: a coach detached from a train加入与脱离的合伙人: incoming and outgoing partners与子女脱离关系: renunciation of children声明脱离关系,否认后裔关系: disowning of offspring独来独往者拒绝遵守规定或与群体疏远的人: maverick