脱离关系: break off relations; cut tie ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...脱离关系: disaffiliation; divorce; renunciation; unlink脱离关系, 分手: sever connection与子女脱离关系: renunciation of children声明脱离关系,否认后裔关系: disowning of offspring郑重放弃,拒绝;宣布与…脱离关系: detestatio sacrorum; detestatiosacrorum分离关系: separation relation从属关系的: hypotactic功能关系的: emic关系的度: degree of a relation; degreeofarelation关系的观点: human relations view关系的合成: composition of relations; relational composite关系的积: product of relation关系的同一: identity of relation关系的域: domain of relation关系的值域: range of a relation; range of relation关系的转置: transpose of a relation继承关系的: hereditary没关系的: irrespective没有关系的: unconcerned: not involved uninterested亲戚关系的: kindred人际关系的: interim; interpersonal收养关系的: adoptive外交关系的: diplomatic