Local and metropolitan area networks - coexistence of fixed broadband wireless access systems 局域网和城域网.固定宽带无线存取系统共存性
Local and metropolitan area networks - recommended practice for coexistence of fixed broadband wireless access systems 局域网和城域网.固定宽带无线存取系统共存性推荐实施规程
The problem about coexistence of ecological system and the existence of positive periodic solutions is an important part of mathematical ecology 生态系统的共存性,周期解的存在性是数学生态学研究的重要问题
On the one hand , there is antagonism , belligerence and repellency between them . on the other hand , there is coexistence , osmosis , supplement and transformability 一方面,它们之间具有对抗性、斗争性和排斥性;另一方面,又具有共存性、渗透性、互补性和可转化性。
Ugn umweltconsult gmbh is a company operating within many ranges and offers reclamation of contaminated sites , environmental compatibility test as well as waste prevention Ugn umweltconsult gmbh是一家高效的工业型企业,企业生产废物处理设备,废品清理,环境共存性、环境可近性实验范围内高水平的产品。