The virid and verdant tonglingcanyon attracts water from nianba gorge to surge forward from mountgulong for a delighted and crushing jump by its depth and mystery . after the fall of 188 meters and satisfying its yearning to riditself of the insipid existence , it is turned into a colorfulrainbow and becomes an eternal landscape at the bottom oftourists ' heart 碧绿、苍翠的通灵大峡谷以它的幽深、神秘招惹得念八峡水从古龙山中奋不顾身地奔腾而来,为的是痛快淋漓、粉身碎骨的一跃,在188米的坠落后,满足了自己摆脱平淡的渴望,幻化成一道道绚丽的彩虹,成为游人心中永远的风景。
八: eight峡: gorge八侠英雄传: the brave eight八喜连锁酒店: happyeight chain inn八下: hachige; yachige; yage八溪: the eight joints八下岛: yageshima八昔: parsei八下英语: unit八物汤: decoction of eight ingredients八仙: the eight immortals (in the legend)八物定志汤: resuscitation decoction of eight ingredients