八: eight下: below; down; under; undernea ...岛: island; isle下岛: ha-som; shimo-shima; terre de bas; terre-de-bas八下: hachige; yachige; yage八下英语: unit七上八下: (his heart seemed to him) like a well in which seven buckets are drawn up and eight dropped down -- an unsettled state of mind.; be agitated [excited; perturbed]; in a mental flurry of indecision乱七八糟,七上八下: at sixes and sevens十五个吊桶打水,七上八下: One's heart is like a well in which seven buckets are drawn up and eight dropped down.feel uneasygreatly worriedOne's heart clangs like fifteen buckets in a single well.One's heart pounds.One's mind is in a turmoil.十五个吊桶打水七上八下: one's heart pounds我心里七上八下,拿不定主意。: i'm all at sixes and sevens about what to do肚里有只蝴蝶(心里紧张,七上八下): butterflies in my stomach每次看到那个人心里七上八下的感觉: getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see that one person他心头上十五个吊桶打水七上八下his: one's heart pounds八仙: the eight immortals (in the legend)八侠英雄传: the brave eight八仙草: catchweed bedstraw herb八峡: yagai八仙长寿丸: baxian changshou wan; eight immortals longevity bolus; longevity bolus八喜连锁酒店: happyeight chain inn八仙丹: eight immortals pill八溪: the eight joints