全部: whole; complete; entire; tot ...可以: can; may消化: digestion; digest养分: nutrient可消化养分: tdn = total digestible nutrients消化养分: digestible nutrient总消化养分: tdn; total digestible nutrients总可消化养分: tdn可消化的总能量,完全可以消化的能量: total digestible energy全部可见: shown to all全部可数性: total accountability该药可以消肿: it will kethe swelling down全部可用磁盘: total disk available难以消化的食品: grill the meat难以消化的食物: indigestible food可消化总养分: tdn这种药膏可以消炎: this ointment will subdue the inflamation这种药可以消肿: it will keethe swelling down全部可接受的文件: all acceptable files享有全部可保利益: full interest admitted熟练度可以消耗属性点: status point这咱药膏可以消除炎症: this cream will cure the inflammation全部可寻址模拟系统: fully addre able analogue system; fully addressable analogue system翼内全部可装燃料的机翼: wing; completely wet可以全部选择: check all that apply