可: approve消化: digestion; digest的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...量: measure capacity完全: complete; whole; perfect可以: can; may能量: energy; amount of energy可消化的总量: total digestible nutrients不可消化的: indigestible可消化的: digestible胃的;可消化的;助消化的;消化液的: peptic完全可代谢的能量,可代谢总能量: tme; total metabolizable energy难以消化的食品: grill the meat难以消化的食物: indigestible food可消化的粗蛋白质: digestible crude protein可消化的蛋白质: digestible protein可消化的净蛋白质: digestible pure protein消化的: digesting; digestive; peptic不易消化的;难消化的: indigestible炸药的总能量: total energy of an explosive不能消化的: indigestible不消化的: indigested; indigestible; undigested不易消化的: stodgy; strong促消化的: digestion promoting调整消化的: colypeptic; kolpetic