全程: whole journey; whole course; ...治疗: treat; cure; remedy时间: time; hour疗程,治疗时间: time of therapy短程治疗: brachytherapy分程治疗: split course treatment分程治疗法: split course近程治疗: brachytherapy诊疗时间: consultation hours医疗时间单位: units of medical time全程时间: block time供正牙治疗时参照用: tweed triangle全程查找时间: full stroke seek time全程行驶时间: overall travel time心理学发展模式之短程治疗: doing brief psychotherapy全程: whole journey; whole course; omnidistance 如果情况顺利, 这艘船可望在两小时内驶完全程。 the vessel is expected under favourable conditions to do the journey in 2 hours.; 全程单据 through document; 全程费率 through rates; 全程运价 through rates; 全程运输 through transit; through carriage时间治疗: chronotherapy时间治疗法: chronotherapy时间无法治疗: time won't heal治疗失败时间: time to treatment failure远程治理: remote management远程治理台: remote manager从全程: arranging for inland transportation and paying for inland freight全程值: global value全程制: all-way guidance