全程: whole journey; whole course; ...查找时间: search time; seek time查找时间: full stroke seek time; search time; seed time; seek time纯查找时间: seek only time查找时间优先: sstf每道查找时间: seek time per track目录查找时间: directory search time平均查找时间: average search time最短查找时间优先: shortest seek time first查找时间, 磁头稳定时间: head settling time找时间: find time to寻找时间: hunting time; seek time找时间做: get around/round to故障寻找时间: trouble-shooting time全程时间: block time故障部位寻找时间: fault location time找时间做,开始考虑: get around to; get around/round to全程行驶时间: overall travel time全程治疗时间: overall treatment time我们另外找时间再谈吧: let's talk it over again some other time我们找时间聚一聚吧: let's get together sometime全程: whole journey; whole course; omnidistance 如果情况顺利, 这艘船可望在两小时内驶完全程。 the vessel is expected under favourable conditions to do the journey in 2 hours.; 全程单据 through document; 全程费率 through rates; 全程运价 through rates; 全程运输 through transit; through carriage我们确实需要多找时间相相聚一: we need to find time to be together more,查找: [自动化] seek◇查找服务 service-seeking; 查找区域 [计算机] seek area; 查找时间 [自动化] search time; seek time远程查询: telereference