党委: Party committee end委员: committee member; member of ...常委委员会: standing committee中央军委委员: membre de la commission militaire centrale du pcc多党委员会: multi-partisan council党委: party committee 党委领导下的厂长分工负责制 system of the factory director designated to undertake responsibility under the leadership of the party committee; 党委领导下的职工代表大会制 worker's congress system under the party committee leading; 党委扩大会议 an enlarged meeting of the party committee; 党委书记 secretary of the party committee; 党委委员 member of the party committee; 党委制 the party committee system 阿根廷多党委员会: multipartidaria argentina县委委员在一乡村商店的柜台边碰到了会计师: the county councilor encountered the accountant at the counter of a countryside shop党委制: the party committee system党委办公室: party committee office党委副书记: vice secretary党委书记: party chief; secretary of a party committee党委一班人: the members of the party committee地方党委: local party committee京区党委: cpc committee at cas in the beijing area上级党委: party committee of the higher level党委第一书记: the first secretary of the party committee党委扩大会议: enlarged meeting of the party committee市政协机关党委: party committee for organs of the cppcc handan municipal committee新一届学校党委: only me这些问题党委正在研究: these matters are under review by the party committee委员: committee member; member of a committee 中央委员 member of the central committee; 委员长 chairman of a committee党委领导下的厂长分工负责制: system of the factory director designated to undertake responsibility under the leadership of the Party committee党委领导下的职工代表大会制: worker's congress system under the party committee leading女委员: committeewoman