偷: steal; pilfer; burglarize; m ...报纸: newspaper的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...报纸的人事消息栏: personal column报纸的笔调: newspaper parlance报纸的大标题: scareheading报纸的内容里: in the middle of in the moonlight in the newspaper报纸的早晨版: the morning/ evening/ lunchtime edition of a newspaperr报纸的早发版: bulldog edition在报纸的头版: on the front page of the newspaper报纸的连环图画版。: comic paper报纸的滑稽漫画和字谜栏。: funny paper拾破布废纸的人。: rag picker那位专栏作家主持殖民地报纸的多彩专栏: the columnist holds the colorful column of the colonial newspaper报纸: 1.(以刊载新闻和评论为主的定期出版物) newspaper; journal 创始于中国汉代的《邸报》是世界上最早的报纸。“ the capital gazatte”, first published in the han dynasty (206 b. c.-220 a. d.), was the earliest newspaper in the world.2.(白报纸或新闻纸) newsprint; 报纸包装机 newspaper packing machine; 报纸处理控制 newspaper handling control; 报纸处理设备 newspaper handling equipments; 报纸传真机 newspaper page facsimile apparatus; 报纸叠码机构[堆积机] newspaper stackers; 报纸计数器 newspaper counters; 报纸夹 newspaper holder; 报纸经销者 roadmen; 报纸捆扎机 newspaper bundling machine; 报纸铅版自动铸版机 autoplate; 报纸凸版轮转印刷机 newspaper rotary letterpress machine; 报纸印刷 newspaper printing 爱在报纸上落名的人: no.publicity hound似纸的: chartaceous象纸的: papery薄如纸的: paper-thin; papery壁纸的外层: the outer layer of wallpaper衬纸的袋: paper lined bag精制皮纸的: vellum牛皮纸的: vellum贴纸的使用: applying decals